Dog dehydration can be a serious health issue. Dogs can get very sick when they are dehydrated. Many pet owners are also unaware of just how much water dogs need in order to be healthy and hydrated every day. Heatstroke and other serious health issues can also be secondary to dog dehydration.
Pet owners need to be aware of the risks related to dog dehydration so that they can be sure that their pet is safe each summer. Summer weather can add to the challenge of keeping your pet hydrated, which makes it even more important that pet owners are educated about this topic.
1. Easy Access to Water
Your pet should always have access to water, whether they are outside in the yard, playing at the park, or hanging out in the house. It is important to be sure that the water is clean and that the bowl is deep enough that your dog can drink out of it without issue. Many people make the mistake of taking out a small, shallow bowl with water in it or forgetting to clean the bowl. Not every dog is willing to drink from a dirty bowl, which can be a real challenge in the summer.
Making sure that your dog has easy access to water can be key to keeping them hydrated in the summer months.
2. Make Sure You Have a Portable Water Bowl
If you love to take your dog on walks or hikes, you need to invest in a portable water bowl. This is one of the best ways to make sure that your dog is never without water, no matter where you are. Many people expect that areas with hiking trails or a dog park will have water available for pets. This is not usually the case, and the summer is no time to take your dog outdoors without water on hand.
Portable dog water bowls are a great solution for this kind of need. They can be clipped onto a bag or even a leash and brought along on all kinds of adventures. This helps to protect your pet from heatstroke as well as dehydration.
3. Don’t Bring Your Pet Outdoors When It’s Too Hot
Many dog owners are not aware that dogs are not very good at cooling off when it’s hot. Dogs can only cool off by drinking water, panting, and sweating through the pads of their feet. This means that when it is too hot, your dog needs to be protected from the heat and from exertion.
It is a good rule of thumb to avoid taking your dog outdoors when the temperature is eighty degrees or hotter. If it is quite humid, you might want to make sure that you avoid taking your dog out when it is seventy-five degrees or more outside. Always be sure to place your hand on the pavement and see how hot it is as well before bringing your pet with you. If there is a breeze, it might not feel that hot, but the pavement could still burn your dog’s feet and prevent them from being able to cool off effectively.
It is a good idea to take your dog outside to walk or play in the evening or early morning when you know it will be hot during the day. Dogs can get overheated very quickly in summer weather and protecting them from the heat and the sun can go a long way toward preventing dehydration.
How Do I Know if My Dog is Dehydrated?
You might not be sure how to tell if your dog is dehydrated. This is a good question to ask since dehydration might come on slowly and sneak up on you if you don’t know what you are looking for. Dogs that are dehydrated might have a dry, sticky mouth or a hot, dry nose. In severe dehydration, the eyes might be slightly sunken in, and the skin might feel stiff on the body.
You can test for dehydration by pinching a small amount of your dog’s skin between two fingers and lifting it up gently. If the skin doesn’t snap back into place when you release it, your dog is dehydrated. This is a good indicator of dehydration once it has begun, but it is a good idea to avoid even the earliest stages of this health problem.
Dogs that have become dehydrated sometimes cannot get hydrated again just through drinking water. Your pet might need to visit the veterinarian and be given intravenous fluids to be hydrated again. If your pet has started to vomit, is panting heavily, or seems confused, you need to rush them to the vet for immediate treatment. These are often the first symptoms of heatstroke, which can be deadly in dogs within half an hour of the first signs of the condition.
Dog Dehydration Can Expose Your Pet to Serious Health Risks
Because dogs have a hard time cooling off when they are hot, it is critical to be aware of the common symptoms of dehydration. Protecting your pet from being dehydrated is key to avoiding more serious conditions like heatstroke or problems with the health of your pet’s organs. It is always a good idea to avoid taking your pet with you outdoors or in the car when the temperature is more than seventy-five degrees, just to be safe.
Knowing more about dog dehydration can help prevent serious illness in dogs. The summer months are a great time to have fun with your pet, but you need to be sure that they are getting access to enough water and that they are not exerting too hard when it is hot out. Pet owners who are informed about the risks associated with dog dehydration can ensure that their pet stays happy and healthy all summer long.
Is your dog showing symptoms of being dehydrated in Sonora, CA? Give Live Oak Veterinary Hospital a call at 209-432-9437!