Dogs can sneeze from time to time, just like people. If your dog is sneezing, you might be wondering if you need to be worried or not. There are some reasons for sneezing in dogs that are not of any major concern, but there are other reasons for sneezing that might necessitate a trip to the vet.
Knowing more about why dogs sneeze can help you to decide when your dog might need to go to the veterinarian or when this step is not necessary. As with lots of other things to do with monitoring your pet’s health, be sure that you are not ignoring something that is becoming a consistent problem. Some dogs will slowly start sneezing more and more, but it can be easy to miss that there is a change in their behavior. Being aware of and sensitive to your dog’s health can help avoid long-term health issues or complications that are harder to attend to.

Dogs can get allergies, just like humans. Some dogs will only be impacted by the change of seasons and might need help with their allergies from time to time during the year. Other dogs might be allergic to their food, another animal in the home, or even cleaning products or things like detergent that you are using in the home.
Allergies can usually be treated with ease with the help of a vet, but you will also need to identify the root cause of the allergy to help your pet feel better. This can take some time, but it’s worth it for your pet’s comfort and overall well-being. Long-term allergies from things like food or products in the home can worsen over time, so you do not want to make your pet deal with things like asthma or skin irritation by ignoring the early signs, such as sneezing.
Reverse Sneezing
Some breeds are very prone to this kind of sneeze that sounds more like a cough. In other breeds, it might indicate that something is stuck in the back of the mouth or in the nasal passages. This strange kind of sneeze is meant to help dislodge the item that is trapped and make the dog comfortable again. It sounds less like a sneeze than a regular sneeze, but it can indicate something that is not right with your dog’s nasal passages.
Reverse sneezing is a good reason to head to the vet to have your pet evaluated. There are some possible issues with your dog’s palate or nasal passageways that can cause this issue, but which might be able to be surgically addressed.
Something in the Nasal Passages
If your dog has something trapped in their nasal passages like a bug, some plant material, or even a blade of grass, it might sneeze repeatedly trying to get the item out. This can lead to nose bleeds, pawing at the face, and excessive drooling as well. Do not try to remove something that is trapped in the nasal passages yourself, as you could cause injury to your dog.
Make sure that your dog sees the veterinarian so that the item can be removed without injury. Your vet will typically use a scope to visualize the area and then remove the item carefully. This can be a very simple process, or it could require sedation and be more like surgery.
Nasal Infection or Viral Infection
Dogs can sneeze if they have an infection in their nose or if they have a viral infection. Dogs can get colds and other illnesses just like people, or they might get some irritant in their nose that leads to an infection of the nasal passageways. The symptoms related to these two problems can look very similar, and your dog might have excessive nasal discharge, be sneezing, or be coughing as well.
Nasal infections and viral infections can necessitate a visit to the vet to help make sure that your dog gets the right medications to help them to feel better. A bacterial infection can be treated with antibiotics, while a viral infection might be improved with some help from anti-inflammatories and things like giving fluids if your dog has become dehydrated.
Tooth Infections
Tooth infections can cause a whole host of symptoms that might not seem like they are related to the nose. Your dog might sneeze, drool, or even cough due to an infection in their gums or related to their teeth. The roots of your dog’s teeth can be quite close to nerves in the face, and swelling around these nerves can lead to pain but also to symptoms like sneezing.
Tooth infections can also be quite serious for dogs as they can spread infection material throughout the body with ease. This can lead to a systemic infection that can be much harder to treat than a simple dental issue. Make sure that your dog is getting regular dental exams and cleanings to help avoid this problem.
Dog Sneezing Can be Linked with Many Things
Sneezing in dogs can be linked to something mild, but it can also be a sign of more serious health conditions. You will need to pay attention to the kind of small changes that can indicate that something might be wrong. Occasional sneezing does not usually indicate that anything is wrong but sneezing that is persistent or is accompanied by other kinds of symptoms can indicate that something is not right.
Your vet will be able to check your dog’s health and find out if there is anything serious going on. It is always worth it to get peace of mind that your dog is in good health and that nothing is wrong with them. Being sure that your dog is just sneezing due to dust, or the occasional minor allergy attack offers peace of mind and makes it easy to be sure that your dog does not need medical support.
If you want to talk with a vet about your dog’s sneezing, call Live Oak Veterinary Hospital at 209-432-9437 or book an appointment online!