Is Your Dog Considered a Senior in Sonora, CA? Here’s How to Tell

Wouldn’t it be great if our dogs could live forever? Sadly, like us, dogs age! It is hard to understand when they are considered a ‘senior,’ though. There is no magic number that determines when a dog is suddenly old. However, there are signs that you can watch out for that tell you your dog is aging. White Hairs Around the Face Have you noticed any white hairs around your dog’s face lately? As all dogs age, their bodies begin slowing down. One of the first signs is white hairs surrounding their face. It may start off as a few
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Why Does My Cat Have Bad Breath in Sonora, CA?

Have you ever noticed a foul odor coming from your cat’s mouth? Although a cat’s mouth is an area pet owners forget about it frequently, your cat’s mouth can harbor bacteria and cause problems. Your cat should not have bad breath. If they do, it is because of poor dental hygiene, a poor diet, or a sign of an underlying and more serious condition. Possible Reasons for Your Cat’s Bad Breath There are many possible causes for a cat’s bad breath. Food Stuck in Their Gums Like humans, cats can develop bad breath if there is food stuck in their
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Dog Separation Anxiety in Sonora, CA: What it is and How to Help My Pet

One of the most common cognitive health conditions dogs suffer from is canine separation anxiety. Dog separation anxiety is a health condition in which dogs feel anxious and negatively react when left behind. It is hard to watch your pet react poorly, and however, there are ways you can treat and train your pet to get rid of their separation anxiety. Why do Dogs Develop Separation Anxiety? The cause of separation anxiety in animals completely depends on each situation. For instance, some dog breeds have a genetic predisposition to this health condition. This is because some dogs were bred originally
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